Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Facebook Casualty

Yes, I have been squandering my time and energies on facebook and my blog can bear witness. It is fun catching up with old friends, I must admit, but at what cost? I haven't blogged about anything of significant value in so long. To add insult to injury, I dug out the box with all of my old journals and started reading those. So instead of writing a journal, I have been reading ones that have ALREADY been written! Don't get me wrong. My college year material could be a best seller, in my modest opinion. Lots of good stuff! But I fear my current life is being sorely neglected and undocumented. Sure, my life now may not be as "exciting" as my single days, but it is certainly more meaningful and relevant.

So what have I missed that needs to be written down for posterity? Assuming it is not a sin to blog WITHOUT a picture to illustrate, here are a few notables...

Ressa - for over a year now, Ressa has struggled with bladder infections (UTI's). We had some testing done and it turns out she has a condition called reflux. Without getting graphic, this condition can lead to kidney damage if left untreated. In most young children with reflux, the problem sorts itself out as they get older. If not, then surgery is successful but it is a major surgery. Ressa has seen a specialist and they are giving her another year to see if the problem resolves on its own and then retest then. She is a little old to not have grown out of it, but we are hopeful. She will be on a daily dose of antibiotic for this year to prevent any more infection. Ressa is such a trooper! She really is a terrific girl and a joy to her parents.

Sarah - I was released from my calling as Valiant 11-12 teacher a couple months ago. My new calling is the Laurel Advisor. This marks the first time I have served in YW! Those of you that know me well know that I have always wanted to serve in YW. This has been all but impossible with Chad always being in YM. I love, love, love it! Our Laurels are such great girls and have made me feel to appreciated and loved.

Chad - He was released from scouts about the same time and called as the Elder's Quorum Pres. for the first time. Now, only the wife of a Scout leader would say that being the EQ pres doesn't seem to take up much of her husband's time. Right? Chad feels challenged by this calling and is doing a great job. My initial concern was the Chad's dad is the Bishop and hoped they worked well together. Chad doesn't mind at all and respects the Bishop very much!

I guess that is enough for now. I hope to do better about keeping more up-to-date!


1 comment:

Hollie said...

I didn't know you were in Young Womens!! That would be my nightmare calling, but glad you are enjoying it.

This is the reason I haven't joined facebook...I'm already a chronic blog stalker, I dont' need another addiction. Thanks for the update on most everyone!