Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank Heaven for little girls!

So besides creating this blog for me, my sister Samantha also helped me switch the kids room around. Lauren is almost 2 and ready to graduate from her crib so I wanted to put the two girls in the same bed together since it is a double bed. For several months now, Ressa has been sleeping on the floor in the boys' room because she doesn't like to sleep alone. So Lauren has had this big room all to herself and the big bed has remained empty. So tonight was the first night to put the girls to bed together. Chad was very skeptical, not sure Lauren would do well. We said prayers and tucked them in and told Ressa that Lauren was watching her so if she slept then Lauren would follow her example. Well, miracle of miracles, neither one got up once, just snuggled in for the night! I risked waking them with the flash when I snuck in to get this picture of their first night but they didn't stir. And I do know that the night is YOUNG and I may be getting woke up sometime around 2am if Lauren wakes up and is curious. But that is o.k.! I am just glad that it went so well, especially since I spent ALL day getting their rooms done.


Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

yeah, how cute!! How funny I snuck in a took a picture of Cooper his first night sleeping in a big bed too!! How do the boys like their new room.

Spencer and Menolly said...

Adorable! One day you can look back and show them this pic and say "see you guys really did like each other!" :-)

Reid and Brittney said...

That is super cute... I must agree with Menolly, that would be great. So sweet. Your girls are adorable!!! We miss you guys. Hope things are going great!!!

Michelle Frandsen Smith said...

Are those penguin jammies? Love it!