Saturday, October 9, 2010

Basement Makeover

After a visit with Danielle and Jeff in July and seeing their house, I was inspired to do some wainscotting in our basement. I have been wanting to do something for a long time and Jeff convinced me that it was doable. Then a couple months ago some friends moved and sold us their pool table so we needed to take out the bar counter to make room. Chad and I cashed in some credit card rewards and got some Home Depot gift cards that I used to buy the wood. Hired Bishop Lowell from 1st ward to do the install along with his trusty sidekick, my father-in-law Frank (aka Bishop Rowley). The project took one week to complete and here are the before and after pics!


and AFTER!

 The two Bishops who made it all possible. What a team! They might tell you some story about me showing up and catching them playing pool since they ran out of trim and giving them a hard time about not working. I wasn't THAT critical. :)
 The design is a bit of this and that, some ideas I took from Jeff and the idea to use stain came from the Hansen's house. I thought that black stain would look good over light gray and gave it a try. I really like the effect and how it all turned out. My friend Katie was so great to go to Home Depot with me and let me bounce ideas off of her while picking out my trim pieces. We used her long flatbed trailer to load all the wood.

I really like it down in this room so much and we have enjoyed playing pool more now that there is enough room.  It had been along time since I have done any decorating and I am glad to have a chance again!


LucyH said...

I love it! It looks so good!

Hollie said...

It really does look great, the pics don't do it justice. Thanks for killing Bret and I at pool...but next time try being gracious hosts and letting us win.

Heather said...

It looks amazing.. wow!! that was a lot of work.

I can't believe all that happened with Ressa! I'm so sorry for you guys and for her. Poor sweetheart. She is so beautiful! How very scary. I heard about this when I was home at my parents house. We were very concerned about you guys. I'm glad you found an answer although still scary. I hope everything goes well with her health from now on. I can't imagine how freaked out you must have been.

I have never met any of your kids.. I can't believe it!