I wanted to wish all of my friends and family a very Merry Christmas! I sent out my first Christmas cards this year and this is the picture I used. I took it after the kids and I had finished decorating the Christmas tree one night. I collected all the cards that I received last year and used those addresses as my contact list this year. So if you didn't get a card from us, then I didn't get one from you last year. Sorry! I had to start somewhere! Of course I might mention that I threw away all the old envelopes and then mailed out my cards WITHOUT remembering to write down all the addresses. Have I mentioned that I am losing my mind? Seriously, I can be such a bonehead!
Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I absolutely love Christmas and the Spirit that is all around this time of year. I love to read the heart warming stories about baby Jesus and wise men and shepherds. I love to have the children dress up in nativity clothing and act out that special night long ago. I love getting together with family, playing games, and just talking (and eating!) I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, for being born in such a humble way and doing such extraordinary things for all of us! We owe him more than we can ever repay or comprehend! Let's all show our gratitude by trying a little harder to be kinder, more loving, and happier!